The symbol of infinity refers to the notion of eternity. On the occasion of the 230 year anniversary of Girard-Perregaux, we have revisited our icons, from La Esmeralda to the Laureato and the Cat’s Eye, to unveil the Eternity Edition series that both celebrates the Maison’s heritage and showcases its amassed and considerable know-how. Through enamelling work, the intense beauty of the blue and green enamel colours will never fade with the onset of years and will retain its showroom-fresh appearance for Eternity.
Degrees Celsius
The enamel dials are placed in a kiln heated to 800 degrees Celsius, hence the «Grand Feu» appellation. Only through visual monitoring through an opening in the kiln can the enameller track the vitrification process. The many variables like the dial baseplate material, the quantity of enamel applied, or the temperature variations all make the notion of timekeeping obsolete during the firing.

5 to 10
To obtain an truly even homogeneous result, the applying of each enamel layer requires extreme precision and regularity, with the repetition of firings making it even more complex. Between 5 and 10 layers of enamel are necessary – corresponding to 5 to 10 firings – to create a deep and intense colour, multiplying the risks of cracking and imperfections associated with each firing.